We heard rain on the roof shortly after midnight last night and Al was a bit concerned because he couldn't get the electric tarp closed on Bob's tandem truck...and it was full of grain. Fortunately, there were only 15 drops, so he was able to continue on with his sleep...until 4:30am.
It started raining again and this time it didn't seem like it was going to quit, so Al figured he better go out and see if he could get the tarp closed. After about 20 minutes, he was able to get it closed...but by the time he did, it had stopped raining and the stars were shining.
He started back to the camper and was just going past Abernethy when he got the flashing lights...the RCMP were stopping him. Al has no patience for these stops at the best of times...if there is indeed, a best of times...but having this happen in the middle of the night, well, it wasn't going to turn out good.
The officer's reasoning for stopping him...like they need a reason...was that there had been a lot of thievery going on in the area and a vehicle at this time of night was considered "suspicious". Al wasn't really pleasant with some of his answers and before he had a chance to ask him "what they were doing about the theft that had occurred that was caught on one of those wildlife cameras", the officer walked away and left. Mission accomplished...and Al went back to bed.
When Al took the first load into the elevator, he had cut a sample to see if it would be dry enough to haul in...and it was...so after he got the trucks unloaded he started combining. Marilyn got the lunches ready...she was disappointed that she didn't get Sunday brunch in Fort Qu'Appelle...then went out to take over from Al. It tried to rain a couple of times and it did just enough to make a mess of the combine windows...but we could live with that.
There wasn't a lot left in the field when we quit last night, so once Marilyn took over there were only 10 rounds left...that didn't take long to lap up. Just as she was finishing the last round, she looked to the east and found she had some company...a donkey...or some type of long eared horsey looking animal that was on a mission. It was trotting steadily across the field looking left to right, but not changing pace, even when Marilyn stopped to take a picture. It had a halter on, so it belonged somewhere. Maybe it was going home.
We had to move around 10 miles, but we were able to manage it without taking the header off...and only met three vehicles along the way. Once we got to the field, Al jumped in the combine to make the first couple of passes to see if it was going to be dry enough to cut...it was borderline, but we figured we would cut a couple of hoppers and see where the axe fell at the elevator in the morning.
We tarped the General, went back to the other field to get the little Dodge, then went back to the camper. Only 40 acres today, but we finished a field and got a truck moved, so it wasn't a bust.
Tonight it is supposed to go below freezing...
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