Wednesday, September 5, 2012

September 5, 2012

View of the day-Line up at the truck driver went dirt biking folk...

We got going on the barley around 11am, this time Al drove our combine and Kim drove his own.  Marilyn had errands to do in town and lunch to get ready, then she took over in the combine and Al switched out with Kim in his machine, so Kim could go back to trucking. Dudey went dirt biking, but did show up later in the afternoon to help with the trucking.

Today was also the day that Al had to go on the radio to ask the question for this weeks Smartest Saskatchewan Radio Listener.  He had a week to revel in the glory before passing the torch to the next winner.  The question he had to ask was "Tom and Jack did it in 52. What was it?"  It took a long time and lots of hints for the right answer, but it across Canada in 52 days.  That was in 1912!

We got the barley finished mid afternoon, then took the combine back to the yard to get the header loaded on the high speed transport trailer.  Marilyn blew off the combine, then it was time to load up...we were officially done in Carlyle.  Kim still had one more field of standing wheat to do, but he was going to do that on his own, so he moved north to get started.

We got the shop trailer hooked up to the combine trailer, loaded and chained down the combine, then hooked it up to the General.  One job done.  We had to go over to Bob's to get the grain cart, since that's the last place we had had a pretty easy stop at Carlyle. Once we got back to Kim's farm, we got the tractor and cart loaded, chained down and hooked up to the Freightliner, so it would be ready to go on the second trip.

Al got the General's load lined up and ready to pull out in the morning, then blew the straight header off before quitting for the day.  We got cleaned up, bought pizza for supper...which we had in the house, so Al could watch the NFL opener on the big screen.

Might need the furnace tonight...

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