Saturday, July 27, 2013

July 27, 2013

View of the day-The New Holland support pickup got into the parade for the Sheridan County Fair.  It has been on all week just a couple blocks away from the campground.

It was really a super do nothing day.  The temperature had a hard time getting into the 70's and the sky was overcast the whole rain, but no drying, either.

We did venture out to see the parade and drive around town a bit, but then it was back to the camper to take it easy.  Gerry did go out and do a test, but it was well over 14% moisture, so that was that for the day.

We went and had supper over at the crew trailer where Lynn had tried out a new way of cooking corn on the cob.  She took a coleman cooler, put the shucked corn cobs into it along with a couple pots of boiling water and closed the lid for 20-30 minutes. Presto! Perfect corn on the cob.

After supper, we went back to the camper to catch the last half of the Saskatchewan Roughriders football game.  They won another one and are now 5-0. WooHoo!

Got our fingers crossed for combining tomorrow...

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