Monday, August 19, 2013

August 19, 2013

View of the day-You know it's been a long time since the cart was used when you see this bird's nest tucked nicely under the tarp.

It was a bit foggy again this morning...what's new...but it burned off early, so we had high hopes the wheat was going to be fit.  We had lunch at the camper, then headed out to the field around 12:30pm.


Marilyn got into the combine and was confused when she looked at the calendar that she had put was still on June...that's how long ago it had been since we combined last.

Marilyn went out and cut a patch...enough to park the semis and get some wheat in the hopper of the combine to clean out the "leavings" that might have been hiding.  This is certified seed wheat, so everything has to be clean, clean, clean.  We were supposed to dump the sample into the farmers smaller grain truck, but as it is on most farms...someone had borrowed the battery from it to use somewhere else.

We took a sample into the elevator and picked up a new battery in town for the grain truck. The sample was 15% moisture, but the good news was that it was being binned on the farm and there was aeration to dry it down.  Back to the field we went and after dumping the hopper into the grain truck, we started to do the perimeter of the field.

Al followed in the grain cart as Marilyn opened up the field.  This spring wheat was running well over 60 bu/ac, so it was necessary to dump a couple of times just so she could get around the field.  Once it was opened up, it was back and forth for the rest of the day.

Al kept busy dumping the combine every time to rest, or take a break. 

Fortunately for him, the farmer has a couple semis and it is only a mile and a half back to the bins, so he gets to suck up the A/C in the tractor...and he needed it today with the temperatures finally hitting the mid 90's.

We kept going until the truck driver had to call it quits to go to a meeting, so we filled the semi and called it a night.

Good thing, too. The wind had died down and the humidity was going up.


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