Friday, August 9, 2013

August 9, 2013

View of the day-Got the pickup head back into the Kuntz Harvesting fold and up to Menoken, ND.

It was road trip day today.  We were planning on getting the pickup head and taking it to Carlyle...that was plan A.

After packing a small overnight bag, we took off from Selby around 11am.  We had to go out to Shawn and Bonnie Gallagher's farm, near Ashley, ND,  to get the header, which had been dropped off there by Lee Petersen, who had used it back in Oklahoma.  Once we set the GPS to find the Gallaghers, we were ready to roll.

We got out to the farm, hooked up the trailer and started for Menoken.  There were a lot of combines in the fields around, but none of them were making dust and the crops along the way seemed to be in the same state as what they were in Selby. Or so it looked like from the road at 65mph.

We got out to Roger's farm, where he was waiting for us, so he and Al took a short tour of the fields that were left after the hail.  Of the 600+ acres that had been planted, there might be 190 that managed to survive. So devastating, as you can see all the broken stalks.

After discussing the chance that the weeds might come up and the wheat might have to be swathed, we decided to leave the pickup head there, instead of taking it to Carlyle.  After unhooking it out of the way, we said goodbye and started back for Selby.

We did see combines making dust on this trip...not a lot, mind you, but they were plugging along just the same...a few of them picking up swaths.  We got back to Selby just after 5pm and that was the end of our "work" day.

And now we wait...

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