Sunday, August 14, 2016

August 14, 2016

View of the day-Maiden voyage with the drone...

We were up early with the hopes that our repair man would make the scene and get the combine fixed so we could make up for lost time yesterday. He got here just around 9am and went right to work.

Al had gone out to show him where the combine was, then stuck around to find out how bad it was. It was bad, alright, but Jason the mechanic from Rocky Mountain Equipment had it all under control and of course, it had to be one of the hotter days to spend in the engine compartment of the combine.

Marilyn decided it was time to take the drone for a flight. This would be the second flight, but the first official one outside. Check the end of this blog entry to ready about the first flight. She had been practicing with the simulator program that came with the drone and with no audience to witness any crashes, it finally came out of the case. She did purchase propeller guards just in case.

It was surprising how smoothly it worked, even with the strong wind blowing...a condition she wasn't to sure about taking a chance on.  With a combination of having it set on beginner mode, not flying too high, and landing practices, it all came together.

Speaking of coming together...the combine was finished by 2pm, so we were able to get moved to the field where the rest of the crew had been working all morning. Jason followed us over and rode around with Al to make sure everything was working as it should...and it was, so he was on his way back to Yorkton.

Big thanks have to go out to Ray from CaseIH ProHarvest, Kurt from Young's Equipment and Jason from Rocky Mountain Equipment. Considering how serious the turbo issue was, we were able to get up and running in 24 hours!

This winter wheat was running quite good...60+ bushels per acre, so Big Jen was called into service. Marilyn took over combining while Al went back to the yard to get the General and start hauling grain.

We finished the field we were on, then moved north to the next fields. With four machines, it seemed like no time at all and we were moving from one quarter section to the next one. We had them finished by 9:30pm. There was a lot of lightning to the north and heavy clouds to the south, but they split the difference and missed us completely.

We hope...

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