Tuesday, September 19, 2017

September 18, 2017

View of the day-We found the antifreeze leak problem in this one inch diameter hose. The combination of the large leak blowing into the fan made for a sticky mess in the engine compartment...and everywhere else down the side of the combine.

Al went into town early to get antifreeze to replace all that had blown out. He was able to get it right away, since the Tempo opened at 7am. On the other hand, when he went to the local parts store, he had quite the wait, since they didn't open until 9am and by then, there was a lineup of vehicles on the street waiting to get in. Even when he got in, they had to wait for all the phone calls to get answered.

He finally got out with the hose and clamps that he went in for and by the time he got out to the field, the tall skinny farmer had gone into the engine compartment and gotten the old one off. He volunteered to go back in and put the new one on, which was a relief to both Al and Marilyn. Al dumped what was left on the combine from last night, then started combining.

The farmer was right about one thing...three strikes yesterday, meant smooth sailing today.

Al combined all day while Marilyn made a run into Yorkton for a theatre meeting. She brought a late lunch out for Al and rode around for the rest of the night. There was a threat of rain and it sprinkled for the last hour that they combined...although not heavy enough to run off the header and cause the crew to quit.

The last hour in the rain was necessary to get the field done. It slowed down productivity, but by 1am the combines headed back for the yard.

Tippy-taps on the roof mean we might get to sleep in tomorrow...

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