Monday, September 25, 2017

September 25, 2017

View of the day-This moose was just strolling along the road on the way into town.

Friday, it was "where's the memory card"? Even with extra sets of eyes, it was still evading being found. Marilyn moved the truck well out of the way and even figured maybe the big tool magnet might pick it up. It did not. 

The next plan was to download a "metal detector" app on her phone. It actually worked pretty well, but not to find the memory card. Finally she got a rake and started combing through the grass in hopes it would bring it to the top. It didn't get to the top, but it got flipped over so the shiny brass pins caught the light and the card was found. Yay! And it still worked. Double yay!

There was combining going on during the search, but after the card was found, Marilyn's work was done for the day. The combines only ran for a couple hours, but the straw was really tough, so Al had the rest of the day off. Since it was Marilyn's weekend to work at Staples and there was a Terrier hockey game in Yorkton, we both went back home.

It was cold and cloudy on Saturday, while Marilyn worked at Staples, Al went back to the camper after lunch, but there was no combining.

Sunday, Marilyn worked again and since there was still no combining, Al met her in Canora for Chinese buffet.

Today, the combines actually got rolling for half a day, enough to get down to the last field of canola which they will start tomorrow.

We even saw the sun for a short stint today...

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