Sunday, August 19, 2018

August 18, 2018

View of the day-Al's borrowed wheels for his road trip today to bring home the pick up header from the shop.

Combines were in the field early today in the hopes that we would get the straight winter wheat finished. Everything was going great before lunch, then Marilyn took over combining while Al went to Windthorst to get the pickup head. While he was gone, we got a message that we would be filling the trucks, cart and combines, then shutting down...the grain auger had bearing issues.

We filled everything and went back to the yard and waited for news of the repair. There was no place to get the bearing today, so plan B was to get another auger.

Al had gotten back with the header on the trailer, so while there was time, they got a fork lift to take it off and just set it on the ground. When the straight wheat was finished, there would be a quarter section of swathed winter wheat for seed that we would need it for.

Once the auger had been acquired and set up, the trucks were dumped and everyone went back out to the field to finish. It didn't take too long before it was done and the combines moved back to the yard to swap out headers and move onto the swaths.

The repair job seemed to have all things back in working order on the header, which was a relief.

With the change of auger making a move to a different bin necessary, there were no lights for dumping near this one, so once the trucks and cart were full, we shut down for the night around 11 pm. If we hadn't had the afternoon off, the field would have easily been finished before dark.

Tomorrow will be a short day with what is left in the field...

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