Thursday, August 23, 2018

August 23, 2018

View of the day-A change of crop. We are now straight cutting oats.

Since we had the combine all set up and ready to go in the oats, it was just a matter of jumping in the combine and driving out to the first field to get started.

The landlord for this field wanted to bale the straw, so all the combines opened up the back and dropped the straw. We are only three combines now, since the other two left to work on another farm.

With the straw getting dropped, there was no unloading on the go into the cart because those tracks on the rig would be mashing the row of straw into the ground making it all but impossible for the baler to pick it up. Productivity dropped quite a bit due to that and the fact that it was running over 125 bushels/acre, so they were filling up fast and stopping often.

Combining continued on until around 8pm when the straw was too tough to put through.

Hoping for an early start tomorrow...

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