Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 15, 2012

View of the day-All moved and unloaded, ready to get started when we get the green light.

We were up early and the first thing on the list was to get the General started so it could air up and we could move it onto the street from its parking spot.  Al walked over to do that, since it was only half a block away and when he arrived...there were three semis that had him blocked in.  We weren't going anywhere until they got moved.

Fortunately, it was our next door neighbours at the campground, so a knock at the door got things rolling and they were over to shift their rigs so we could escape.  Al got the General moved onto the street, then we got most of the camper packed up, ready to move and then we went to the Medicine Rock for Sunday Brunch.

After lunch, we hooked up the camper and headed out.  We wanted to get there early, because the forecast for the day was to crack 100º and we didn't want to be driving in that. This was also our shortest move ever...only 40 it didn't take us long and it was even better since the construction guys had taken Sunday off.

We got out to the farm, parked the General's rig, then Al jumped in the pickup with Marilyn and we forged into town to get settled in our camp spot at the motel. Once we figured out which way to park the camper so all the hoses would reach, it was no time at all that we were sucking up some of that A/C inside.  Marilyn made the motion that we should not go out to unload until later in the evening when it cooled off.  Al seconded, making it a unanimous vote, and inside we stayed.

Around 7:30pm, we made the move out the door and down to the convenience store to grab a block of ice for the water cooler, then it was time to unload.  We got out to the farm and the strong south wind was still blowing pretty hard, so that kept us somewhat cool and it had been cloudy all day...still didn't stop the thermometer from hitting 103º.

After we got everything unloaded and parked, we came back to the camper to clean up and call it a day.

Lots of crews are moving through town, heading north...

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