Monday, August 13, 2007

August 13

View of the day-The jaws of the header as it waits for the combine and the weather.

The meteor shower kept Marilyn up till the early hours, since she figured the "city" lights were cutting in on some of the smaller flights, a trip in the country was in order. Once a couple miles out and on a high hill, the night sky was perfect for viewing. Marilyn had company too as the coyotes were singing, somewhat in unison, to the heavens above. It was after 2:30am when the truck pulled up to the camper and it was time to call it a, morning. What an awesome experience, it makes one feel so small to look up and see a part of the universe overhead and realise how insignificant we really are. We can't possibly be the only life out there...can we? Maybe the daily episode of Star Trek Voyager that we watch is coloring our thoughts.

Unlike the clear night sky, the morning brought low clouds and high humidity, which refused to leave until 6pm. We only did one test today around 5pm...what a waste, 14.8%, the humidity never did get below 58%. And where was the "high 90's" we were supposed to get? Even with the "humidex" it never got above 88 and that won't dry anything out. No one was combining in the area, so it didn't hurt so much.

With no shopping opportunities in town, Marilyn decided it was high time to tackle the bookwork that had been put on hold since, oh...say...May! Yeah, fortunately we do keep a filing system in the pickup with us so it was pretty much sorted, it was just a matter of entering everything into the computer. Except that we had upgraded the accounting software in the spring and it didn't want to work without reloading. It didn't take much convincing to just leave the entering for another day.

That pretty much was the day for us and as the evening rolled in, so did the clouds. The outside of the camper is as wet as if it had rained, with condensation running off of it.

And now looking outside...thick fog...sheesh...


Joanne said...

While you are doing all this waiting, is there even a lake nearby that you could at least go fishing!! That would be my thought.

Kuntz Harvesting said...

We usually go out on free fishing day, otherwise we have to get permits. There is a small "lake" just a few miles north of town, but we aren't equipped. And it just isn't the same as ice fishing!