Thursday, August 2, 2007

August 2

View of the day-The farmer's truck waits for a load of spring wheat for seed.

It's official, we are finished the harvest in South Dakota!

Al got to do the majority of the combining on the last day. Once he had the truck full, Marilyn went out to spell him off and fill the farmers truck with seed.

Once the field was finished, Al took the last load to the elevator and Marilyn blew all the dust and chaff off the combine, before Al moved it back into town. After getting it loaded on the trailer, strapping it down and getting the trailer hooked up to the truck, Marilyn got the pressure washer out and gave the combine a new shine.

Once all the machinery was clean, we got cleaned up and went out for supper. Tomorrow will be an early one and once the bills are paid and the camper is ready to roll, we will be off to Menoken, ND.

We are ready for a change of venue...

1 comment:

daniel said...

hey... i'm glad ot hear that your done in SD...i hope the weatehr over there is treating you well. It been great reading the blog, and the email... Tal kto you soon