Wednesday, August 22, 2007

August 22

View of the day-Marilyn hoping to get to the end of the swath without spilling any.

Al got the word first thing in the morning from the mechanic, that he would be able to work on the General after lunch. Al took off with the truck at the blazing speed of 15mph to drive the 16 miles to Kenmare. Marilyn left an hour later and got to the shop at the same time as Al did.

We got back to Bowbells and while Al unloaded the cart from yesterday, Marilyn fueled and serviced the combine, then moved over to the other field. The rest of the day was spent combining and hauling grain off of 112 acres of durum wheat...that's right, finally broke the 100 acre mark!

Al got a call about the truck, the mechanic told him one of three springs in the back of the transmission had broken, fallen out and gotten jammed. The springs help move the synchronizer into high range, so with one jamming up the works, Al only had low range. Al decided to get the synchronizer replaced while the mechanic had the tranny opened up. We should have it back by Friday, but in the meantime, the Freight comes out to save the day once again.

We filled the farmer's 800 bushel grain cart and our 500 bushel cart so he could fill a semi first thing in the morning. They wanted to quit after filling the carts, but Marilyn insisted on picking up the remaining 6 swaths that were left to finish the field at 11:30pm. A very productive day.

Tomorrow the heater valve gets turned on in the combine, so Marilyn has heat in the cab...

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Heat??? Marilyn, this is August. Who needs heat in their cab in August? I may need heat in August, but Marilyn - nooo no no.