Friday, September 25, 2009

September 25, 2009

View of the day-The combine and grain cart are full and waiting for the truck to show up.

We got out to the field early to get the knife assembled and back in it's proper place. Al replaced a few guards while the knife was out...much easier to do when you don't have to work around the knife sections. After the greasing and fueling was done, Al started combining and Marilyn went into town to get some groceries, since the cupboard was bare.

Back at the camper, Marilyn made lunch and got the shopping put away then went out to the field to take over combining. Al spent the day filling up smaller bins and moving the auger...three or four times...until he got the last bin filled in the dark.

The final bins were in the field where we were cutting, so that made the hauling a lot easier, Al did have to enlist Marilyn once to climb the ladder to open up the last bin. That had to be done by backing the General up to the bin, then putting a ladder in the box...which was 1/2 full of wheat. After emptying the wheat out of her shoes, Marilyn went back to combining until everything was full.

We got back to the camper and had to close all the windows...yesterday was so warm that we had the windows open all night...not a chance tonight. It's 11pm and 47ºF already...chilly.

We're out of bins, so tomorrow we start piling on the ground...

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