Friday, September 4, 2009

September 4, 2009

View of the day-Another day of fixing...a successful day of fixing. We better get combining soon because we are running out of things to do.

No fog today but the clouds and humidity put the brakes on any thoughts we might have of combining. Marilyn unloaded the rest of last night's non perishable purchases out of the pickup and got them put away. A purchase of the "magicJack", a USB phone jack that gives you a phone line off the WiFi or other high speed hookups. Now usually, if it says "as seen on TV", you're getting some kind of crap, but after getting the thing hooked up and registering, it worked as described. Marilyn called her sister in Carlyle and it sounded just like a regular phone line. For $40 for a years worth of free calling anywhere...a damn good deal, even if the signal is as bad as it is here in the campground. Sales pitch off.

We went into Bismarck for lunch and to pick up some new tail lights for the cart trailer...and just kill some time. We got the stuff we needed, except for the new Farm Forum Green Sheet...we could only find last week's edition and that was old news.
After taking a quick trip around Tractor Supply and coming out empty handed we fueled up the pickup and headed out to the field to do some fixin'.

First on the list was the light on the grain cart auger, once that was completed it was on to the tail lights on the trailer. There was such a good deal on the LED tail lights at the truck supply shop, we figured we might as well change all four of them rather than just the one that the blown tire took out. We were having issues with our magnetic flashing lights that we use on the pickup, so we got some quick connect plugins and got alligator clamps to go directly to the battery since the cigarette lighter plugs that they came with had connection issues.

We did a test around 3:30pm and the farmer ran it to the elevator in Sterling...15.5%...not a chance. Mrs. farmer brought out chicken and muffins for supper and after we had a snack we went out and did another test...14.6%...that was it for the day. The wind was really blowing and the sun did come out when we were in Bismarck, but it wasn't enough to overtake the humidity, so we called it a day.

We went back to the campground, which was now full up...probably because it is the long weekend...and Marilyn stopped by the shower house to see if she could get a warm shower instead of the cold one she had to take yesterday. It was laundry day yesterday for most of the guys in the campground...they were lined up, so that meant no hot wasn't pleasant. But today, a hot shower and the laundry got done as well.

There is a harvest moon out and we aren't harvesting...that's not right...

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