Saturday, September 12, 2009

September 11, 2009

View of the day-Al and Kim put the finishing touches on the pickup head.

Al was up early getting the header fixed...well, he did the heavy lifting while Kim did all the welding and fabricating. After getting the needed parts in town they were able to get it put together and it is now better than new with all the reinforcements.

After stopping for lunch, Kim went out to combine wheat and we got the combine serviced and moved it out to the canola field. After doing a sample and taking it in to get it was 7.3% plenty dry for canola...we went over to Kisbey to get the General.

Once Marilyn got back with the pickup, she started right into combining...with 36 ft swaths and tough straw it was slow going to start with, but as the rest of the day wore on things improved and we were able to make some time. Al hauled to the same bins the farmer was hauling to...they were combining canola in another he was held up a couple of times, but we had the cart for back up so there wasn't any waiting.

We combined until 9:30pm, filling the truck for the morning, then went back to the farm to clean up and watch the football game...where did the day go?

At least the rain missed us...

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