Sunday, November 15, 2009

November 12, 2009

View of the day-Action over at Balcarres, about 60 miles SW of Yorkton.

Al made a couple of more calls looking for work, one was to a farmer we had worked for in the past he said he had plenty of help with his harvest but could use truck drivers. He has 3 Massey 9895 combines and his neighbour came over with 2 Deere's.
So Al was off to Balcarres to drive truck for the day, hauling canola to Terminal 22 along with 3 other drivers and using 5 trucks.

It was a busy day, things got rolling at about 11:00 AM, the canola was dry except for one "rogue" load he hauled in which was 14% moisture...10 is considered dry, anything over that is wet. Things went well into the evening until all the trucks and combines were acres for the day were just short of 500.

There was all sorts of harvesting going on in the area, also some swathing was still going on in some fields, with combines picking up the swaths right behind. Also in some places there still was snow in the ditches from the snowfall almost 3 weeks earlier.

And Marilyn was still at work...

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