Sunday, November 15, 2009

November 14, 2009

View of the day-The combine tries to get warmed up in the morning sun before heading into the flax.

It was a frosty morning so there would be no harvesting until at least after lunch. Al got a call in the AM from a former employee who had worked for us on the harvest run in the mid 90's. He was coming into Yorkton and was wondering if we could have coffee and catch up so Al met him in the Mall.

Marilyn also was in the Mall selling tickets for the dinner theater for Paper Bag Players upcoming performance, so after about an hour or two of gabbing and getting caught up with what was going on in Bucky's world, Al headed out to Dubuc to try the flax...turns out there is 275 acres of it in 30' swaths.

He got their about 1:00 PM and after letting the combine warm up, they made a was testing 10.2%...almost dry, but good enough to keep going. He had to leave the outside swath on the north side of the field it still had frost covering it well into the fact it didn't melt all day. It will be picked up Monday when temps get up to 8ºC/50ºF.

After 50 acres it was time to call it a short day and head back home watch some hockey and call it a night.

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