Monday, November 9, 2009

November 9, 2009

View of the day-Another great Saskatchewan sunset.

Marilyn was off to work in the dark at 6:45am while Al continued to check his eyelids for cracks...all clear on that front.

Once he was mobile, he got things moved around with the help of Murray, the neighbor we are combining for, and when everything was where he needed it he started combining around 1pm. He filled the truck and cart, and was just dumping in to the farmers truck when Marilyn showed up after work to take over combining while he dumped everything.

We combined until 7pm when the flax was starting to wrap on the auger and were just ready to head the mile back home when Marilyn got a text from her friend saying that she and her young 6yr old daughter were coming out for a ride. Marilyn took Al back home and waited until her friends came out from town, then went back out to the field to make a few rounds.

Al got to watch his Monday Night Football and once Marilyn got back from the combine and did a bit of work on the computer it was time to call it a day.
Morning comes way too early...

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