Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 1, 2010-Happy Canada Day!

View of the day-The full combine has to wait for the first time as the General finally makes it to the field.

Al was up early to unload the Freightliner at the elevator by the campground...well, he tried to...the pump for the hoist was out of oil so he had to run into town to find some before he could get dumped. Once he was done with that, he went out to the field and took the General in to Colby to dump. The field is 7 miles from the highway then 17 miles south to Colby...the campground is 11 miles north in Atwood, so we are getting a lot of driving in...but what's new?

Marilyn got out to the field, fueled, serviced and started combining by 10:30am. Al was able to keep up with the trucking and because the farmer needed 550 bushels of seed wheat from the first field, we didn't get backed up. We finished off the first field, then moved across the road to the second field and once we had everything spotted where it was needed, Al took off to Colby yet again.

Marilyn kept combining until everything was full, then waited for Al to get back to the field to make the last dump of the day after 125 acres. Al had made 7 trips into Colby and one in Atwood, so he was hopping all day. We are looking at 100 acres or so left for tomorrow and the weather is going to cooperate...nothing in the forecast until Saturday.

Al brought the loaded Freight back to the camper again and Marilyn went to the Coop to get fuel for tomorrow. She was pulling the hose across the box of the truck and had it pointing up so it wouldn't drip, when all of a sudden it started shooting like a geyser, then shut off. Apparently the previous fueler had not flipped the lock back on the handle and Marilyn never had this happen before, so she didn't know to check that it was off...the gent in the store thought he was helping out by flipping the switch inside before it was in the tank, thinking, like Marilyn that it was off. The back of the cab and down between the box were the only thing that really got sprayed badly...and perhaps some shoes. Lesson learned.

There were a lot of combines moving down the roads around our field and after talking to the gent at the fuel place, it seems like they are doing a lot of patching out. Yesterday they combined 9 and 10% moisture wheat and today it was 18%...everyone will be catching up to the wet stuff soon.

And by some fluke there is internet in the camper again...

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