Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 17, 2010

View of the day-The pile gets bigger at Gettysburg and the trucks are lined up down the's going full tilt now.

Al was up early to get the cart unloaded from the field into the General to bring it in to the elevator to dump. Marilyn went uptown to see if they had another ice maker, or at the very least, directions to getting this one luck.

Marilyn went out and serviced and fueled the combine and was making dust by 11:30am. The clouds had been building all day but we were lucky enough that they stayed in the east and south.

Al was able to keep up most of the day...he hauled 10 loads so he was kept hopping. There were a lot more trucks coming in as more harvesters got started combining thanks to the heat and wind that was bringing everything around an the campground is almost half full with another 6 rigs moving in today.

We kept going and towards the end Marilyn had to wait, but it gave her time to fuel and service...that means an extra 15 minutes of snooze time tomorrow. We figured out the loads just right...sort of...Al took an extra large one in just so he wouldn't have to come back out for only a few bushels. Marilyn finished the field around 9:30pm then came into town to fill the slip tank at the fuel station...that's a 20 minute wait...oh, for the days in Davidson when it might have taken 5 minutes, tops.

Al was able to get into line before the 10pm cut off at the elevator...they were going to be there pretty late getting the rest of the lined up trucks unloaded, although the conveyor pumps it out pretty fast. Marilyn had neglected to tarp the cart, thinking that Al was going out to get the last load from the cart...he was saving that for the morning... or was hoping to. Back out to the field he went to bring it in...that will give him some extra snooze time too.

Marilyn figured it was time to sneak a couple loads of laundry in at the shower house in the campground before the rest of the crews got in. Both machines are in working order except that the dryer takes .75 and doesn't do a very good job of drying. Good thing there are clothes lines for our use and Marilyn always has a big bag of clothes pins. Hopefully the clothes won't stay out there for three days...

Now if only we could find that dang satellite...

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