Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 27, 2010

View of the day-A semi lays down for a little nap north of Selby, SD dumping it's load of sunflowers. We don't know how it happened, just the result.

We were up early and on the road north by 9am. The sun was shining but we could see the clouds to the north and figured we would probably be driving through some rain before we arrived at out destination.

We were just into North Dakota when the first sprinkles hit and we had rain off and on until we got close to Minot. The crops along the way covered every stage imaginable, from ready to harvest all the way down to, not even headed out yet.

We stopped in Minot for lunch and to pick up some "beverage" to take home with us, then continued on our way. We had someone new at the Canadian Border and this time she was a bit more thorough...considering we had the backseat jammed to the roof with farm toys, she was pretty understanding. After about 10 minutes we were on our way, back in Canada.

We stopped to chat with Marilyn's sister at Precision Ag, then went out to the farm to see about getting the pickup head ready for transport back to Gettysburg. It was in the barn parked behind a few other implements that had to get moved before we could even get close to it. Kim got the sprayer and the Seed Hawk moved out, then Al got the header hooked up and out into the daylight...and surprise, surprise...no flat tires.

After Kim got everything parked back into it's spot in the barn, we got the bird "business" cleaned off, aired up the tires and it was ready for action. Of course, it took a bit of manual reading to get the shield off to check the chain...plenty o' swearing loosened it up.

We had supper and just relaxed for the rest of the evening so we could be rejuvenated for the trip to Yorkton and back tomorrow. The toys have to get unloaded, Marilyn has to get caught up with her peeps and the mail has to get picked up.

Something to read on the way back to Gettysburg...

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