Friday, June 24, 2011

June 24, 2011

View of the day-Al unloading in the Albert elevator.

Al got up earlier and went and picked up the parts we had ordered last week. When we got out to the field we got things service up and were combining by 10:00 AM.

Al went to help Kevin do some work on their semi and while he was crawling out from under the truck he banged his head and had quite a gash on his forehead but he will survive.

We had about 60 acres left on the field we were on, then that would be it for the day. The rest of the wheat is still green, the other crew working with us tried some of it yesterday and it was 15.5% moisture and since it has to be 13.5% or less, we wait.

We were done by 2:00 PM…Marilyn decided to slum it and ride in with Al to unload at the elevator then we headed back into to town and that was about it for the rest of the day. It was a day that turned out to be quite a hot one…101ยบ was the high and more of the same for tomorrow.

That should help the wheat dry up pretty quick…we hope…

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