Sunday, June 5, 2011

June 5, 2011

View of the day-Al waits by the barn for a load of wheat.

It was moving day and we were heading south…to do some combining, at least. We got things unhooked and ready to move, Marilyn took the combine, John pulled the header and Al brought the pickup.

Once we got to the field and got the header hooked up, Marilyn started combining while Al, John and Ron went back to get the rest of the stuff. Al had to dump the General and then go back out to dump the cart before he could come back to Carmen. Ron had the honors of moving the tractor and grain cart out to the field and even though he left before Al had gone to dump the truck in Cherokee, he was the last to get to the field.

It was another hot and windy day…broken record, but it’s true…over 100ºF again, which is perfect harvesting weather. The farmer wanted a load of seed wheat, so Marilyn started in the best looking part of the field and got 300 bushels squeezed into their grain truck, then it was full speed ahead.

With no major setbacks, other than a couple of trips out to dig the dirt out of the header, the field went faster that it had in past years, even though it was so short in places the header was travelling on the
ground…hence the dirt digging. One good thing about mowing is that the stubble is so short that the bathroom breaks aren’t so painful…all that will change tomorrow when we start in on the canola.

We finished up around 8pm and after getting the header unhooked, Marilyn started the drive back to Cherokee…well, a few miles south of Cherokee…to the canola field. Al brought the General over once he had gotten it dumped and then Ron met us and took us back to the pickup. Tomorrow we go back for the cart, then get set to do the canola.

Could be interesting…

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