Thursday, June 30, 2011

June 30, 2011

View of the day-Al gets a shot while trying to stay out of the dust and the 108º heat.

It was supposed to be another day off as we waited for the moisture to go down, but Kevin called us up in the morning and figured we should give it a try. We got organized then headed out to give it a try…the moisture had gone from 17.2% on Tuesday to 8.3% today! Yeah, that’s good to go.

We finished a couple of patches then moved over to finish off about 50 acres that the other crew had left that was right next to where we had just finished. They had moved a few miles north and were going strong, so there was no sense in them moving back for that little bit.

While Marilyn was finishing off that patch, Al and Kevin moved the tractor and pick-up over to the next field so she would be able to start right in while Al took the truck into the elevator. They had already closed for the day, but the manager was good enough to go over and dump him so we could keep going. Kevin got to drive the combine for a while, cutting the first ‘flat’ part of the field, then Marilyn took over on the terraced side of the waterway.

Al was having alternator issues with the tractor, so just before calling it quits, he took it off so we could get it checked out tomorrow in Great Bend. Once Marilyn got the truck full, we called it a day…and it was a good one, over 130 acres.

Not bad for a day off…

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