Friday, October 11, 2013

October 11, 2013

View of the day-Rain, rain and more home in Yorkton, at least.

Al was up early to finish up changing the guards and sections on the header. He was down to the last three feet, when he had to go get the General out of the field before the rain started. By the time he got back to the header, it had already started to come down, so he put his tools away and came in out of the rain.

We decided to get a few things done in Yorkton during the day, then Al was going to the Yorkton Terriers/Melville Millionaire game in the evening. We went out to the farm and picked up the toy trailer that Al uses for his winter toys. There was a moment of panic on the way to town when Al realized that the keys to the locks on the trailer were back at Balcarres in the little Dodge. Fortunately, he had only set the lock on the back door to "look" like it was locked and we were in the clear...and in the trailer.

We backed up to the garage to unload some of the boxes to make room for the load that had been delivered to Minute Muffler, that Al's farm toy "cohort", Mike, owns. We were able to get squeezed in for an oil change on the dually before loading up the 20 odd boxes that were there. Apparently, we didn't get enough boxes moved out of the trailer...or it could have been that Al was doing the packing, instead of Marilyn...either way, one of the big ones had to go into the back seat.

The first toy show of the season is next weekend in Regina, Al isn't sure he can make it, so he is getting things organized so his buddy, Roger, can take over in his absence.

While the Dodge was getting it's oil changed, we walked down a few doors to H&R Block, to have a visit with Al's co-workers from his off season job as tax preparer. Curtis, his boss, was working hard at trying to get Al riled up over the hockey game, since he is a Millionaire fan and Al is a Terrier fan. These two teams are from neighboring towns and there has always been a healthy rivalry between them...Al and Curtis had a huge wager on the game. The loser was going to have to buy the cookies after the game.

We met for steaks before the game with Curtis and Marilyn's theatre friend, Pam. The girls were going on a prop/furniture finding mission for the upcoming production, up at their storage locker at Ebenezer, 10 miles north of Yorkton.

More toy trailer cleaning and preparing tomorrow, so we will stay in our house tonight.

And Al had to buy the cookies...

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