Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October 8, 2013

View of the day-The hawks are everywhere, looking for lunch.

Another early day for Al as he got trucks unloaded and the combine serviced. Marilyn had to make a run into Fort Qu'Appelle, but was back in the combine before 11am.

We got the rest of the half section finished, then moved across the road to the next half. Surprisingly, it seemed to take as long to finish the first field as it did to finish the whole second half section...or at least it felt like it.

It was another gorgeous fall day, sunny, windy...but not too windy...and in the 60's. We can only hope for a week or so of the same, but there is the "R" word forecast for Friday. The guys were loading the bins in the field, so the truck was spotted at the auger and Al was running the cart out to it. With the small bins, it didn't take long to fill them.

Supper was in the house tonight, and we went in shifts...another delicious meal from Jean and Martha. By the time Marilyn's shift happened, everyone but Bob had eaten and he wasn't leaving the combine until the field was done. Good thing it was just across the road from the house.

New field tomorrow...

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