Thursday, October 3, 2013

October 3, 2013

View of the day-Al had a new ride...for a while, at least...until Phil came out to take over.

Cold, cloudy day meant we wouldn't be starting early. Al was out for his usual unloading of the trucks and servicing the combine, but after a call to Bob, he found the wheat was too wet to go, so he came back to the camper until later in the afternoon.

We had lunch at the camper, then went out to the combine around 2pm and got started. There was only 20 acres left to do in this field and that didn't take very long. 

While Al got the trucks unloaded, Marilyn moved over to the next field about 6 or 7 miles to the NE. This was a full section of wheat, which means no moving for a while, plus we will be working with Bob and that means we have a grain cart. Productivity should go up.

Al got to run the cart for a bit until Phil showed up, then he was back in the semi hauling grain to the bins. We combined until around 8pm, then shut down once everything was full. After stopping in Balcarres to fill the slip tank, we headed back to the camper.

Forecast is for 26ºF/-3ºC...hard water in the hose in the morning...

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