Sunday, October 26, 2014

October 26, 2014

View of the day-The skinny road to the bin yard that looks like it will wash away in a strong wind.

It was cold, cloudy and WINDY! We went out to the field early so we could get the combine unloaded, since rain was threatening.

While Al got the General unloaded, Marilyn got the combine fueled and in position to dump. It was already sprinkling pretty good, so we knew we wouldn't get going right away. The hope was that it was just a passing shower.

We got everything unloaded and the auger moved to the new bin, then decided we might as well go back home for a while to wait it out.

We had lunch, then Al did a little maintenance on the compressor, which was now riding in the box of the truck instead of the shop trailer. Around 2pm, we headed back out to the field to give it a whirl. Fortunately, it hadn't rained, so it was a go.

We combined until after dark...which falls at 5:30pm these days...or so it seems. Again, we were concerned about the sloughs in the dark and with the wind blowing the dust and chaff around, it was near impossible to see very far. We still managed to add another 40 acres to the total, which was pretty good considering the rain that was falling all around the area, was missing us.

Unfortunately, here at home tonight, it is pouring...

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