Saturday, October 4, 2014

October 4, 2014

View of the day-The General gets pulled into service to haul all the trees we helped cut down today.

We spent the morning and early afternoon taking care of some of the trees at Kim and Marg's new cabin up at Kenosee Lake, just north of Carlyle. That big tree with four trunks...the big one was over 30 feet tall...was the task of the day but thanks to the two pine trees, they stayed corralled in and didn't take anything out when they fell.

All that was left was a stump.

We got back to the farm without losing anything off the back of the General and got it dumped out at the tree pile. This pile had been created with the "beaver" trees that hadn't been dragged away to the den.

It sprinkled the rest of the day, but hopefully the water doesn't get so "hard" from freezing like it did last took till mid afternoon before we had water to the camper again.

Planned power outage in the morning...

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