Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October 27, 2014

View of the day-First of the season and it only got worse as the day went on.

Al took a road trip over to get the General unloaded...apparently it was a nightmare getting down the roads. He had to give Danny a call to come over and help him get the auger tractor running so they could dump the truck.

Marilyn spent the day cleaning out the camper and hauling stuff into the house. When Al got back, he claimed to have seen a mouse running across the floor of the garage, so he set up his trapline.

Marilyn was working on emptying some of the tubs that she brought in, when she saw a mouse dart out from under the stove...in the house. Just great.

After setting a trap with peanut butter near the stove, we watched as the little bastard came out, ate the peanut butter, but sidn't spring the trap! Marilyn had set a different style of trap down the hallway and the rodent crawled all over it, but it didn't spring either.

Apparently, we need to put some weight on the pest...

1 comment:

WM said...

So.....what happened? Did you finish harvest???