Sunday, August 18, 2019

August 18, 2019

View of the day-It's a later start this year, but we are finally getting the rust off the cutterbar.

We have been parked at the farm at Kipling for a couple days now, but the combine had been hauled down last weekend. We worked on it, getting the settings tweaked, ready to jump right to work once we got the go ahead, but the weather refused to cooperate. So we waited.

Finally, it seemed like we were going to have a productive day, the sun was out and there was a strong wind blowing. We got started just after lunch and were able to get a few hoppers before the brakes got put on...a backup at the bins due to an auger issue gave us a mid afternoon break.  

The barley is in various stages of ripening, so the moisture is still all over the place, this, combined with the high yield, would have had us backed up anyway.

There are four combines running and one 2000bu grain cart to fill the two super B grain trailers...thankfully it is only a couple miles back to the bin site.

After the auger was repaired and the trucks emptied, we all went back out to do a little more. Since it had clouded over and the grain was not getting any better moisture wise, we had to shut down for the day.

Back to the camper for an early night and more waiting...

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