Monday, August 19, 2019

August 19, 2019

View of the day-Not often they all line up so nice with little or no wind blowing.

We got an earlier start to the day, but not in the barley. The decision was made to move down to Kennedy to try the winter wheat and see if it was any better. The farmer went first to do a sense in moving all machines if we couldn't start...but after a look, they felt it was good enough to go.

Everyone got moved down and started in on the first field. Most of the time there was dust, however there was still a lot of green in various patches, so the hope was that it would blend off in the big cart. So we kept going.

Things went good for most of the day...except for the patching out of the green spots, which slowed productivity. Then about 6ish, Al hit a green spot and plugged the rotor. The hardest part about getting it slugged out was trying to remember the steps to cough it out. We lost about 45 minutes and did a bit of cursing at the level of tightening the service guys at Rocky Mountain used to bolt the concaves in.

We went until dark...which is coming earlier all the time, it seems...the shut down for the night.

The weather was perfect for harvesting today. Let's hope it stays that way for a while...

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