Friday, August 23, 2019

August 23, 2019

View of the day-Courtesy of Al's new flip phone, the last dump of the day, thanks to the rain.

After finishing yesterday, we knew we would have a week or so off while the canola swathing got underway. 

Al made a phone call over to Langbank to see if the farmers we had cut for in the past and anything to combine before the predicted rain was supposed to hit. They did, so Al and Markus moved two combines over to the field...a short 10 mile or so drive. Marilyn went to pick them up and bring them back for their vehicles, so they would have a way to get back home.

After the guys got started combining, Marilyn went back to the camper to get a few things together to go back to Yorkton for the weekend. It was time for her bi-weekly shift at Staples and this time it was timed with the rain...which it did at the camper while she was getting loaded up.

It didn't rain out at the field, although it was threatening and we hadn't seen the sun all day. However, after a couple of hours of combining, it finally hit with a downpour...we won't know how much until we check the gauge on the combine...and the guys shut down and went home. 

It sounds like this means the weekend off for Al...unless the sun shines and the wind blows... 

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