Saturday, June 14, 2008

June 14, 2008

View of the day-Everyone is rolling...and they aren't all new machines. The next field neighbor cuts a bounty crop.

We woke up to moisture everywhere...not from rain, just a heavy dew on everything. We had breakfast then headed out to the field to service and do a bit of repairs...nothing serious, a broken grease zerk that refused to come out. Of course it would be in an uncomfortable spot in the engine compartment. Just before we started there was big smoke again and since we had moved further south, we were just west of the fire...which was in the same field as yesterday. Never did get the rest of the story.

Al had all the trucks unloaded to start the day, and once Marilyn started combining he was able to get unloaded and back even with the ever present line ups a the elevator. He got 8 loads in today, which was just short of a miracle...of course, the field was yielding 58 bu/ac...amazing!

Marilyn got finished with one field and moved a few miles to the next field and it was yielding 50 bu/ac...but the elevator was full, so after the Freight was loaded, she shut it down for the was dark anyway. The elevator was going to be loading out all night to make room for tomorrow. There is no rail line here, so it's all trucked.

Missed the rain today...

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