Thursday, June 26, 2008

June 26, 2008

View of the day-Al unloads his first load of Kansas wheat in the elevator at...Albert, Kansas!

We had a pretty productive day...and this time we did start early. We left Cherokee and took the scenic short cut...only met one grain truck and he pulled over for us...what a nice guy. We made Great Bend around 11am, temporarily parked the truck, combine and shop trailer so we could get the camper parked at the RV park.

We got parked, hooked everything up and while Al went to get a few parts from the Case dealer for the header...yes, Ron, we finally changed that broken guard...Marilyn got the camper organized and set a Great Bend campground record for aiming the dish...5 minutes!

After we had lunch and loaded up with ice, we headed over to the bins where the other equipment was parked...a 20 mile trip from Great Bend. Once there, we got everything unloaded and fixed up, ready for action. We went out to check some fields and the first one we got to seemed like it was ready to go, so we moved the combine over and commenced to cuttin'.

It was plenty dry and running close to 40 bu/ac. Al got to haul one load in to the elevator before they closed then came back to the field to fill the truck again. He got to combine for a while before we called it a day...nasty storms were brewing to the north all day and we did get a few sprinkles before we left the field. We don't need to worry about the rain because Marilyn finally got the rain gauge mounted on the combine and when that's on, it rarely gets used...again, famous last words.

Bad internet at this campground, so we have to drive a few blocks over to the Days Inn to get hooked up. Marilyn figured by the time we got phone hooked up from the big company, it would be time to leave again. One of the places to get internet is in the parking lot over at the 24 hour, isn't that convenient?

Let's hope the rain gauge works and the weather misses us tonight...

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