Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June 24,2008

View of the day-Our crop from last year. This is the spot where we cleaned the combine last year and our landlord left it to grow until our return.

We got both rigs loaded and parked out on the street ready to go, thankfully it was an overcast day...still 95 degrees though.
Back at the camper Marilyn decided to give the pickup and shop trailer a cleaning since the pressure washer was out from the day before. After both were cleaned, it was time to tackle the holding tanks on the camper...can't move until they are fixed. Al helped get everything sealed back up then it was finally time to call it a day...in the work department, anyway.

We went out for supper with our two farmers, Ron and John, and their wives to the Smok Shak...and ate way too much. After visiting for a while and receiving a big bag of shelled pecans from John and Peggy's pecan tree, we said goodnight and went back to the camper to wait for "the call"

The call we speak of was the one that was to come from anyone who had attended the Yorkton Terrier annual meeting. This is the junior hockey team in Yorkton that Al is an executive board member of. There had been a bit of turmoil before he left and the board was about to change in a big way, of course, Al couldn't be there to voice his concerns. Too bad really...we got ONE call...it wasn't good news. So bad in fact that Al doesn't even want to continue on with the old boys network...er...board. It's like some bad dream, only we know we won't wake up from this one. It should be interesting this fall...

What the H-E-double hockey sticks, were they thinking...

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