Friday, June 27, 2008

June 27, 2008

View of the day-Combining among the terraces.

Okay...well, maybe the rain gauge thing was over rated. We had a terrific storm last night and ended up with .6 in town and .3 inches at the combine. But...just maybe it did work...we could have gotten over 3 inches like they did in the area. It's up again tonight and there isn't a cloud in our sky.

We knew we could sleep in thanks to the rain, but we had items to look after and we thought we might as well do the laundry as well. You never know when the weather will cooperate and if it does, there won't be time to get anything done...just combine.

We called the ProHarvest guys to check on the header lift on the combine. It had been creeping down while it was loaded on the combine trailer and was starting to work a hole in the fenders. It looked like they had come out and changed a few things and it seemed to be working fine.

After dropping Al off at the General, which had been parked at the elevator, Marilyn went out to the field to fuel and service. We waited until 3pm to go out, just to give the grain time to dry out after the rain. The humidity never did go down, but the wheat was dry enough to combine, even though the straw was extremely tough...but it went through and we were able to get 60 acres done.

We had stopped by the local Nex-Tech dealer for free hotdogs at lunch...the local radio stations were doing a check on internet service and they told us to park outside their store and use the Hot Spot service they have.

So...into the truck and down town to load the blog...

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