Saturday, August 23, 2008

August 23, 2008

View of the day-Last week it was full, now we are the last ones in the campground.

Al was up early to dump the truck and find out when the elevator would be open over the next two days for us. We moved the tractor, cart and header over to the camper so Marilyn could take the pressure washer to them.

We started the Freightliner for the first time since we parked it when we got here FOUR WEEKS AGO...that's darn near a month!! We had a quick lunch then Al went out to finish combining the field while Marilyn got to clean the tractor, cart and header. After parking the cleaned header behind the Cenex, she went out to pick Al up so he could get the General moved over to the last field.

Al made a couple of rounds, just enough to fill the truck...that's all he could do since he had caught up to the swather and that was it for combining for the day. Marilyn went back to the camper and decided since she had the pressure washer out, she might as well wash the camper...and the pickup...everything shines.

Al took the tractor/cart back out to where we had the trailers parked and we moved the trailer off the grass and across the street to load the tractor on some hard ground so the cylinder wouldn't sink out of site. We got the tractor/cart loaded, strapped down and parked, beside the header ready for the move up to Sterling tomorrow.

Al's says we're leaving at the crack of dawn...

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