Friday, August 29, 2008

August 29, 2008

View of the day-A cow moose and her two youngsters out grazing by the field.

Another great day! We started off with a fabulous breakfast in a different of the best on the run. We got fuel and picked up the brake pot that had been ordered for the combine trailer and went out to the field.

Al took the truck to the bin to unload it and Marilyn fueled and serviced the combine then went straight into combining around noon again. We finished the 40 acres on the first field then moved across the road to the next quarter and continued on combining. Al kept busy hauling grain and had to move the auger since the 4000 bushel bins were filling up quickly.

The day was gorgeous as well, sunny, some wind and warm...perfect for combining...and we did...another 120 acre day. Al claims it feels just like Davidson, Oklahoma...good going on reasonably flat fields...lots of production. Of course, it looks reasonably flat when you're not in the combine cutting out the water runs...oh, well...shut up and drive.

There are combines running all around us..another similarity to Davidson, and the amazing thing is that they are 80% red machines. There are a few yellow ones around, but we haven't seen any green ones...very farmers, we guess. Tomorrow will really feel like Davidson with near 100 temperatures and high winds.

Marilyn's goal is to break the 120 acre limit...

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