Monday, August 4, 2008

August 4, 2008

View of the day-The rye is still waiting...

We heard the rain start to fall around 6:30am, and this time it didn't just continued on until almost noon. Al was up and moving around when there was a knock at the door, it was Lynn and her husband Gerry stopping in for a visit on their way to Pierre.

After we had coffee and Lynn was able to get caught up online by hooking up to our that's a change...they and their crew were off to Pierre. We had lunch then headed down there ourselves after checking the new rain gauge on the that point we had .60.

After making the rounds to the usual stores, Al was able to catch up on his sleep in the parking lot while Marilyn took care of the inside job. Every other harvester in the area seemed to have the same idea, as the parking lots were full of service trucks and the crews were roaming the aisles.

We had supper at the china buffet and headed back to Gettysburg with the backseat full of...stuff. Once we got back to the camper, we got everything put away and then took the rest of the day off.

No rain in forecast for the week...

1 comment:

K. Springford said...

So, Marilyn, what do you think? Are you close enough to Saskatchewan to pop up to Yorkton on the 16th? The Dream is promising to be pretty gooood...