Friday, August 8, 2008

August 8, 2008

View of the day-Marilyn dumps a load of seed wheat into the farmers truck.

The day started out the same as the others, although we went out to cut a sample at noon...a couple hours earlier than usual...just so we could see where we were at...16.3% moisture.

We had lunch, came back to the camper then went back to do another test around 3:30. We had a good SW wind and it was in the 80's, so we thought for sure it would have dried a bit more...and it did...down to 14.6%...that was it for Al. We moved the combine over to the spring wheat to see if there was any chance at all that it could possible be close enough to go...13.8%...holy crap...we finally could combine something!

The first load was a point higher, but with the spring wheat, the elevator had gotten a lot of dry stuff in so they could blend off the wet stuff with the dry. With the rye...we were the only ones cutting it so it had to be can sit and wait until we're done with the wheat.

Al got to haul a few loads to the elevator..two blocks from the field...before we called it a night and headed down to the Legion for their $1 hamburger night. The first farmer we had cut for here, met us for supper and we got caught up with how his harvest was going...he's done.

And we've finally put a dent in our getting done...

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