Thursday, September 13, 2007

September 13

View of the day-The welcome party of one waiting on the shoulder of the road a half mile from home.

More rain and cool weather, so we found other things to occupy the day. We went into town for breakfast then Al dropped Marilyn off on his way to Grayson and Grenfell. Marilyn met with Lynn, the harvester association's exec-sec. to retrieve "the book" know the one...about Custom Combining on the Great Plains. Lynn was on her way to Regina from Togo and her timing was perfect for making the exchange.

Marilyn and Pam, the Paper Bag Players theatre group president, and her young daughter made a road trip to Kamsack to check out its local theatre facilities. Kamsack is hosting the annual Theatre Saskatchewan short play festival November 1,2 and 3. Marilyn is directing Yorkton's entry Myrtle and Rosalie, the first act of a full length production the group performed in May this year for a Mental Health fundraiser dinner theatre. After meeting with the two Kamsack club reps for dinner, the group went over to the theatre to check out the stage and lighting specs. We returned to Yorkton driving through the rain and sleet, making it back in time to pick up Pam's other daughter from school. She dropped Marilyn off at McDonalds, where Al picked her up shortly after.

Al went to Grenfell via Grayson and brought home another toy-a 1/16 scale Versatile four wheel drive tractor to add to his collection. We went to the mall to check out the farmers market for any treasures. Marilyn had a hankering for corn on the cob, and has had for a while, but we never found the roadside sellers that are normally about at this time of year. Most of the sellers were getting ready to fold up their stalls and leave for the day, but we did find one at the very end who was only too happy to get rid of some organic corn...and it was great.

We did get hit with a snow flurry as we left the mall, but it didn't last very long and it was back to the rain on the way home. We were looking for something for the view of the day, when just as we were getting close to home we came upon "ol' friendly", only too happy to pose for the shot.

Back at home we did a bit more unpacking, had supper, then relaxed after a tough's so much work doing nothing. Marilyn had good intentions of going back into town to watch some rehearsals for a different project the theatre group was working on. Unfortunately, she found herself with a piano tied to her a**, when after zoning out for a while, couldn't move off the couch...the blanket was too heavy...

Trying to get things done online on dial-up...argghh...

1 comment:

Pam M. said...

sorry i haven't been here for a while. i noticed you didn't mention our fabulous waitress. the highlight of the trip!