Monday, September 17, 2007

September 17

View of the day-Al dumps into one of the grain rings set up for barley...his latest elevator.

False alarm on the weather front last night...nothing came from the short lived lightning, except a power outage for about 15 minutes. This occurred after the blog was posted. It was unreal as Marilyn went outside after the power went out to see if it was just in the camper or everywhere. The last time she had seen it that black was during the underground tour of the potash mines just east of was like being blind it was so dark...spooky.

Al dumped his truck first thing, then serviced and started combining again around 10am. Marilyn went out after getting the lunch ready and took over combining. That was pretty much the rest of the day...shut up and drive...until 9:30pm. Makes for a short entry when nothing exciting happens.

Al took the full truck back to the yard at the end of the day and Marilyn continued on until the cart was full. She needed just a bit more room as she was only able to get 98 acres done before running out of space.

At least it only leaves under 90 acres left for tomorrow...

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