Thursday, September 20, 2007

September 20

View of the day-Back in the yard doing a few repairs.

There was more rain during the night, so we thought we would be able to sleep in for a bit but the thought of all the things we wanted to fix put the kibosh on that. Al unloaded the truck and then got a ride out to the field to bring in the tractor and cart with the hopper of canola on it. It was only three miles from the field to the yard, so he just hauled it in the cart instead of running the truck out to the field.
We went in to town for Chinese buffet with the farmer, a nice change from hamburgers and sandwiches, the went back to work on the "rainy day" projects.

Marilyn dismantled the door on the grain truck and replaced the wrecked plastic strip in the channel that rolls the window up and down. Al was having a time of it trying to keep the dust out of the cab when the window would be open four inches because it wouldn't close all the way. Once we replaced the strip (only $14/ft and we needed five feet...), the window rolled as good as new. Al then proceeded to clean the cab out because he's claiming there is a mouse in it somewhere leaving its "mark". He needs to park it in the yard where the camper is and leave the doors open for some of the cats to get to work.
Speaking of cats...the power went out in the camper around 12:45am and Marilyn thought it might have been where the cord from the camper joined the extension cord to the power in the garage. Possibly because it was sitting in the wet grass,it tripped the breaker. She put the cord junction on a step stool then covered it with a plastic tub to keep it dry. She had to call in and wake up the farmer...a favor he thought about returning at 6am to get get him to flip the breaker to get the power back on. Back to the cats...this one fell for the trap...or rather crawled in.
Marilyn worked on the spreader skirts that she had "pennied up" a month ago. We finally had time to take the old ones off...well...what was left of them, and replace them with the"new" ones. Hopefully it will help keep the dust and chaff off the axles and away from the air screen and rad.
Marilyn went into Yorkton to attend a drama rehearsal, get caught up on theatre "doings"and get a hair cut. She has another appointment with the optometrist in the morning, so will spend the night in Yorkton. Al stayed in Esterhazy and kept the recliner from floating way at the camper.
It was going to be a quick entry...dang dial-up...grrrr....

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