Tuesday, September 25, 2007

September 24

View of the day-Commiseration over the rain, the breakdowns (note the beverage bar)…the faces have been withheld to protect the innocent.

Al got busy first thing taking taking the General apart to find the problem with the transmission. He thought to be on the safe side, he would take a few extra pieces off, which ended up removing some of the gear oil, and stuff… Once he phoned around to find the part he needed, it was time for a road trip.

We drove to Regina, about 65 miles and found the little part we needed and had the confirmation that it could have been replaced without taking out any extra parts…but, we just wanted to be safe… We met a friend for lunch, then, after Al fueled up the car we went over to Princess Auto to do a bit of browsing.

Ahhh….Princess Auto…a place where men discover how women can spend so much time just browsing around a store instead of…”I just go in-buy what I want-and leave”…it can’t be done in this store. Marilyn was mildly amused while strolling around to hear little groups of male shoppers (the majority) discussing the fact that they didn’t have a list, so they would just look around until it came to them what they “needed”. Princess Auto is a store full of tools, parts, surplus items, all reasonably priced…cheap in most cases…heaven really.

We went back to Balcarres and got one of the parts installed without a problem, but getting the rest of the stuff jammed into where it belonged was…well…it got dark out, so we quit. We called one of Al’s talented cousins who is a heavy duty mechanic in Yorkton and arranged to visit and discuss our dilemma.

Marilyn had a conference call with the Canadian Custom Harvesters Association at 9pm, so after a tea break at Al's cousin's place, we went back to our real house. Marilyn had a hearing test booked for first thing Tuesday morning, so we we stayed the night in Yorkton.

Now we'll find out if it's mumbling...

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