Saturday, September 22, 2007

September 22

View of the day-It’s not us…Marilyn was following this load near Dubuc…looks a little off the level.

We started getting the camper battened down and ready to hook up. Once all the hoses and cords were rolled up and put away, we hooked up the camper to the truck, and then hooked the shop trailer behind the camper.

Marilyn left first with the car and stopped in Melville to pick up some groceries and gas for the car. Al followed with the camper after checking to make sure we hadn’t left anything behind. Al made it to the “campground” shortly before Marilyn, since she was held up with the lineups at the grocery store. Once we scoped out the various parking options…actually measuring how far the cords and hoses would reach before unhooking the camper…end of the season is a fine time to figure that out. But in our defense, it was a new campground.

With the camper level and hooked up to power and water, Al went out to the field to start combining. Marilyn got everything unpacked, made lunch, got the satellite dish aimed, then headed out to the field to take over combining.

The bin was in the field, so Al was able to park the truck at the bin and Marilyn made a point of having a full hopper at that end of the field so she could just dump in the truck where it was parked. The oats was running around 80 bu/ac, so the trips to the truck were happening frequently.

All along the highway out to the field, along with various other warning signs, there were red diamond shaped signs along the side of the road. Marilyn is convinced they show the few places where the highway is good for about three feet before turning back into the nightmare that it is. While combining in the middle of the oats field, out of nowhere, there was one of those signs! Once she got a bit closer, she could see it was marking a huge rock…she avoided that one.

Marilyn got to go back to the camper while Al filled the truck for the night. Al figured since there is no internet service at this campground, she would have to take a road trip to get the blog uploaded in town, and she might as well get a head start. It might be time to test out an internet air card…

If it rains tomorrow, there is another auction sale nearby…

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