Saturday, July 16, 2011

July 16, 2011

View of the day-These cattle have the right idea for keeping cool...if that was even possible with the humidity and heat totaling up to 108º.

We didn't do the smart thing and go out to work early...nooo, we waited until 11am, then went out into the sweltering heat. We would gladly trade up the 108º dry Kansas heat for the 95º plus humidity that makes the temperature the same 108º in South Dakota...just awful. We are pretty sure the good old -45º of the Saskatchewan winter would be a great can always add another jacket or toque.

Al and Roger, the farmer, took a run out to the field to see how close the wheat was real close, so we figured we would give it a whirl around 3pm. We got the Freightliner up and running, then worked on the tractor, getting it put back together and running as well, then we got the header off the high speed transport and ready to pull up to the field with the pickup.

We got up to the field and made a few passes to get a good sample, then went back to town to give it to Roger so he could take it to the elevator in Winner, 25 miles away. We went back to the camper to wait for his tested 11.7 damn, we were good to go.

Al took the tractor and cart while Marilyn took the pickup so she could get started combining. The only fly in the ointment was that Roger was going to get a semi to haul the grain and it was out of commission for the day. If we were to haul the grain, we have to make sure the loads are small enough to please the SD know, so we can help their economy by buying gallons of fuel to make several trips.

So we were only able to fill the cart, just in case they could get the semi out in the morning. Of course, it they don't, then we have to make a couple of loads in the General and Freightliner to take to the elevator Monday morning. It seemed such a shame to stop combining when it was so dry and the going was good...

Back at the camper we were only too happy to suck up some air conditioning and watch a little CFL football...not a good game for the Riders...Al was looking forward to call in to the radio station's phone-in show to raise a few questions, along with a few hundred other fans. He never got through...the phones for the show quit working.

We will combine again tomorrow, there is no rain in our future...

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