Saturday, July 23, 2011

July 23, 2011

View of the day-The MacDon guys getting the header tweaked.

We were up early to get out to the farmyard so we could get the header unloaded and ready for the MacDon techs to work on. Once they showed up, it only took about an hour and we were ready to start combining...but we have to move a few miles first.

We got the header into transport and headed north to the field, then got it hooked up and ready to go. Marilyn had forgotten to take the lunch bags out...we left in such a she had to go back to town to get them.

Al got to start combining and although the wheat was plenty dry, there were the occasional low spots that had cheat grass with green stalks, which meant the knife would jam up...every time. For some reason, the extra bucks we spent putting a knife reverser on the header seemed to be a waste of time, because every time it jammed up, we had to go out and pull straw the full length of the header. Made Marilyn wonder about the extra 5 feet of length on this header.

The farmer had his combine out and there wasn't too much left and he decided to work it on his own, so we were off for the day...actually a couple of days, because the next field is still a bit green.

Maybe we will get a bit more done on the 'to-do' list...

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